Saturday, March 8, 2025
The name says it all—Megaconference—NEOEA invites you to our Megaconference, presented by NEOEA’s Environmental Concerns, ESP Organizing, Leadership Development, Legislative, Minority Organizing, NEOEA-R Organizing, Personal Welfare and Financial Planning, Public Relations, Professional Development, and Social and Human Concerns Committees.
The 2025 Megaconference will be presented at Corporate College East, located in Warrensville Heights at 4400 Richmond Road. Registration and refreshments begin at 8:30 a.m., and workshops begin at 9:00. The $25 registration fee covers all sessions, continental breakfast, and lunch.
With twelve simultaneous breakouts in three one-hour time slots, there’s something for everyone! For the latest information about Megaconference, including graduate credit, go to
We’ll again offer an optional pre-retired workshop after lunch. In today’s environment, we need to plan for our own future retirement. This session will help keep you informed of the retirement benefits that you can expect at retirement and to help you explore other vehicles to be financially secure and to consider other obligations you may encounter in retirement.