2012 – OEA-R at NEA RA

The 2012 NEA-Retired Annual Meeting was held in Washington DC, June 27 – June 29.
The 2012 NEA Representative Assembly was held in Washington DC, June 30 – July 5.

For complete reports visit the OEA-Retired/Reports & Updates page.

The OEA-R delegates to the 2012 NEA RA are (in order of votes):  Dave Bowen (by virtue of office),  William A. Dorsey,  Donald L. Traxler,  Carol Kinsey,  Christina W. Swank,  Bill Sears,  Marti Huss, and  Nancy Wonson.

The OEA-R alternates to the 2012 NEA RA are (in order of votes):  Peg Ham,  Homer Adams,  Elaine Spondike,  Deloris Rome Hudson,  John Hoyes,  Marilyn Allen,  Marsh Buckley,  Lee Schreiner,  Phil A. Long,  Joan Klein,  Michael Jordan,  Jane A. Rahn,  Beryl M. Burkle,  Pat Bruns,  Kathleen Purdy,  Nancy DiBianca,  Adele Matias,  Bonita Agnew, and  Christine McVicar.

Back row:  Peg Ham, Bill Sears, Christina W. Swank, William A. Dorsey.
Middle row: Carol Kinsey, Marilyn Allen, Jane A. Rahn, Nancy Wonson.
Front row:  Donald L. Traxler, Dave Bowen, Marti Huss, Bob Dengler.