July 2024 NEOEA-R Newsletter

In the NEOEA-R July 2024 Issue:
July 2024

July 2024

Download the  NEOEA-R July 2024 Newsletter
  • NEOEA-R/KSEA Mentoring
  • Holden Arboretum Tour
  • Read Across America through KSEA 
  • OEA-RA Report
  • OEA Retired Delegate Election Results
  • NEOEA Summer Leadership – July 17 -18
  • What is PEP?
  • OEA-R Webinar Replays
  • Keep Your Information Up to Date
  • Join OEA-R/NEA-R as a Life Member 
  • Discounts
  • NEOEA Calendar

OEA-R 2024 Spring Election Results


Understanding the Impact of GPO/WEP Webinar Replay

OEA presented an educational Webinar regarding two provisions in the Social Security Act that were created with the intent of equally treating workers who pay Social Security taxes throughout their careers and those who do not pay Social Security taxes on all of their earnings. The provisions—the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO)—have caused nearly 2 million American workers to be denied benefits because they chose to enter public service. We need our police, firefighters and educators, but they are being penalized for the very service they provide. To date, public employees in 15 states are affected by WEP and GPO. Ohio is one of the states impacted.

The Webinar Recording and slides Slides are now available.