OEA-R 2024 Spring Election Results


ZOOM with Freedom Fighter Charles Black!

Tuesday, April 23rd at 7pm

The OEA-Retired Racial and Social
Justice Committee is excited to host a
Zoom talk with the civil rights activist,
historian and actor, Charles Black.
Let’s listen to the stories of the past so
we can make plans to win education
justice for our students, schools, and
communities. Come listen to his story
of how he stood with Dr. King and other
foot soldiers to make change happen
then and listen to how we can make
change happen now!


Slide Into Success: Powering Up with PowerPoint

Monday, April 22, 2024   5 PM – 6 PM

Slide Into Success: Powering Up with PowerPoint

Join us to improve your PowerPoint skills.

OEA Retired is hosting an online PowerPoint training for beginners.  PowerPoint is a powerful and versatile tool that allows you to create presentations for any purpose. go beyond the bullet points and learn innovative techniques.  Facilitated by Rachel Grabowski, OEA Organizer.


Understanding the Impact of GPO/WEP Webinar Replay

OEA presented an educational Webinar regarding two provisions in the Social Security Act that were created with the intent of equally treating workers who pay Social Security taxes throughout their careers and those who do not pay Social Security taxes on all of their earnings. The provisions—the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO)—have caused nearly 2 million American workers to be denied benefits because they chose to enter public service. We need our police, firefighters and educators, but they are being penalized for the very service they provide. To date, public employees in 15 states are affected by WEP and GPO. Ohio is one of the states impacted.

The Webinar Recording and slides Slides are now available.

March and April 2024 Conferences

Save the Dates for the following Conferences in March and April.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The name says it all—Megaconference—and it will feature twelve simultaneous breakouts in three one-hour time slots. Topics offered fall into the following three themes: leadership development, personal development, and professional development. Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 9, 2024!  Detailed information is at the NEOEA Megaconference site.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

NEOEA-R Spring Conference

This year’s Conference will be held at the NEOEA Conference Center in Mayfield Heights and will feature presentations from STRS Member Education, OEA Legislative Update by an Officer, a Public Education Advocate and a Financial Planner followed by lunch.  More information and Registration Form:  https://neoea.org/files/RetiredSpringConf2024.pdf

Thursday, April 25, 2024

OEA-R Spring Conference

The 2024 Conference will be held at the Dayton International Peace Museum from 10:00AM-3:00PM

Founded in 2004, The International Peace Museum raises awareness of nonviolent strategies for achieving peace now and in the future.  Individual and docent led tour,
Art Project, Lunch,  Networking


OEA-R Advisory Council Elections

This Spring the following offices will be up for election- OEA-Retired Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and District Representatives from Eastern, North Central, Northwest, the ESP Representative and the Higher Education Representative on the OEA-R Advisory Council. Forms can be filed either by email or US Postal Service but all candidacy forms must be in the OEA office by February 15, 2024. Please contact William Baird for this form, bairdw@ohea.org or (614) 227-3169.

OEA-R Racial and Social Justice Committee Book Study

Join the OEA-Retired Racial and Social Justice Committee Book Study for another year of exciting discussions!

All OEA members are invited to join us on this journey. We aim to inspire engaging conversations on books that relate to everyday experiences on the topics of racial and social justice. This will help us learn from each other and grow in understanding.

All sessions will be virtual on Zoom and most sessions will take place the third Monday of each month from 7pm-8pm with exceptions for holidays.

The January and February 2024 dates will occur on: 
Tuesday, January 16th at 7pm, Monday, February 26th at 7pm

Book Reading Schedule:

  • Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann (January/February 2024)
  • White Rage by Carol Anderson (March/April 2024)
  • You Don’t Even Know Me: Stories and Poems by Sharon Flake (May 2024)
  • Change Sings by Amanda Gorman and Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case by Chris Crowe (June 2024)
  • One Person, No Vote by Carol Anderson (July/August 2024)

A certificate of attendance will be issued to all participants based on the hours they attend. Approval for CEU credits is dependent upon your local LPDC committee.

* If you have registered for an event before, you do not have to register again.


Please contact Bob Maher, Co-Chair, OEA-Retired Racial and Social Justice Committee, rm823990@ohio.edu     with questions regarding the study.

Understanding the Impact of GPO/WEP

Stop Penalizing Our Active and Retired Educators!

Information Webinar

2023-2024 OEA-R RA Delegates

The following members were elected to represent the interest of OEA’s Retirees at the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 OEA Representative Assemblies:

The OEA-Retired Guidelines state that the following members of the OEA-Retired Advisory Council shall serve as automatic delegates by virtue of office:

OEA-Retired Advisory Council

Chair, Mary Binegar

Vice Chair, Phil Long

Secretary, Judy Buschle

Past President/Chair,  John Hoyes

CAPITAL Representative, Carol Dixon

CENTRAL Representative, Barry Alcock

ECOEA Representative, Kathleen Purdy

EOEA Representative, Rita Walters

NCOEA Representative, Judy Novak

NEOEA Representative, Donna Smoot-Walters

NWOEA Representative, Lisa Scott Marshall

SEOEA Representative, Jeff Slattery

SWOEA Representative, Becky Brown

WOEA Representative, Joni Watson

At-Large Representative, Carol Kinsey

ESP At- Large: Becky Cashell

OEA Board of Directors Representative, Deloris Rome Hudson

Higher Education: Vacant

OEA-R Retired Delegates

Peg Ham – NEOEA

Jeff Corbin

Marti Franks – NEOEA

Christina Wall Swank

Bill Lavezzi – NEOEA

Nancy Wonson – NEOEA

Gretchen Washington

Willie A. Terrell, Jr.

Becky Mayer-Radel

Hank Haynes – NEOEA

Jené Wilson – NEOEA

Steven Mitchell – NEOEA

Lori Moodie

Doris L. Moore

Cheryl W. Hill – NEOEA

Ed Sims

Chuck Steinbower

Norman Hillstrom – NEOEA

Wil Vickery

OEA-R Retired Alternates

Gerry Curran

John Ververka – NEOEA

Janel Travis

Clarice Thomas

Valenta G. Ward-Gravely – NEOEA

Damian Dagenbach

Yuverdia O. Irving

Congratulations to the Delegates and Alternates!

The following Delegates represented NEOEA at the December 2, 2023 OEA-RA

Marti Franks

Peg Ham

Hank Haynes

Cheryl Hill

Norm Hillstrom

Bill Lavezzi

Steven Mitchell

Donna Smoot-Walters

John Veverka

Jené Wilson

Nancy Wonson